A recently discovered fossilized scorpion is now understood to be the oldest known organism that successfully transferred from a marine habitat to a terrestrial habitat….
Along with ants, cockroaches and bed bugs, flies are the most commonly encountered insect pests within homes in all areas of the US. According to…
Tribolium confusum and Tribolium castaneum are two beetle species that are known to infest stored food within grocery stores, kitchen cabinets and pantry shelves. These…
Unfortunately, southern California is notable for its high population of cockroach pests, almost all of which frequently infest homes in Ventura County. These cockroach species…
With the Exception of Termites, Which Wood-Infesting Insect Pests Are Most Commonly Managed by Pest Control Professionals Within Southern California Homes? Southern California’s Sneaky Squatters:…

Unwanted Tunnels: Understanding Termite Mud Tubes While most homeowners welcome earthy tones in their décor, mud tubes on foundations or interior walls are a different…
How Frequently Do Cockroaches Spread Disease To Humans, And Which Cockroach Species Are Most Often Found Within Ventura County Homes? Cockroaches are widely considered to…
Bed bugs infestations are notoriously difficult to completely eradicate, even after a pest control professional comes in to take care of the problem. Bed bugs…

Vespula pensylvanica is more commonly known as the western yellow jacket, and it’s the most pestiferous yellow jacket species in California. According to a recent…
A large number of cockroach species can be found in California, many of which are common pests of homes. The most common cockroach pests in…

During this uncertain time, our customers’ health and well being is our highest priority. As we continue monitoring developments related to Coronavirus (COVID-19), rest assured,…
Which Pests Of Stored Food Products Are Most Commonly Found In Homes, And How Can Infestations Be Eliminated? Pests of stored food products are also…