Pest Control DIY = Do at Your Own Risk?

Picture of Israel Alvarez
Israel Alvarez

Owner @ Insight Pest Management

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Are you experiencing pest infestation at your home?

If the answer is yes, you probably must have started searching for various do-it-yourself solutions on Google to get rid of the pest infestation. In the world of DIY, the number of DIY pest control solutions on the internet is equal to the pests in your home!  

While we understand that DIY is a tempting route, in reality, it is a risky venture. 

If you think at-home solutions are easy and cost-effective. It is time to reconsider the idea of DIY pest control. Without much ado, let’s dive straight into the reasons why do-it-yourself pest controls it a bad idea!

  • Reasons that Screams NO to D-I-Y 
  • Ineffective: DIY pest control product is often applied just on the surface of floors or countertops. This over-the-counter solution is highly ineffective, as bugs, roaches, pests walk across the product without any impact or effect on them. 
  • Temporary solution: DIY pest control products do not guarantee a permanent or long-term fix. They are short-term solutions that tend to kill pests on contact but not from the root source.
  • Choosing the right product: The more complex the pest issue, the more specialized solutions it demands. The overcrowded pest control market offers a wide assortment of products confusing the homeowners to decide on the right product. Mishaps happen when DIY enthusiasts either pick a wrong product or incorrectly apply the right product.
  • Health hazard: People often tend to throw caution into the wind when using chemical products. Failing to read warnings and instructions on the labels and using the product randomly without any prior knowledge about the chemicals used and its side-effects can pose serious health threats such as breathing issues and chemical burns. 
  • Waste of time and money: If your D-I-Y at-home options don’t solve your problem, the money spent on ineffective solutions is a waste. The pests would have doubled, creating more damage. The more the level of damage, the costlier the repair fees. Unless you are a pro in pest control DIY, seek professional help.
  • Underestimating pests – Pests can spread some deadly diseases such as malaria, plague, hantavirus, Zika virus, Lyme disease, West Nile virus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and encephalitis. Amidst pandemic, we cannot afford one more deadly disease. According to SneezeDocs, Insect stings send at least 500,000 Americans to emergency rooms each year, and cause at least 50 deaths each year. So, such species of pests need expert handling. 

Final words

To conclude, using at-home solutions to tackle pests will seldom be successful. In some cases, it even makes the problem worse. Pest control D-I-Y will scare pests away, which is temporary. If you see pest invaders at your home, call pest control professionals to get rid of them. 

Hiring a team that offers professional pest control services can kill the pest invaders from the source so that you can reclaim your home. Well! Worry no more. We got your back. Call us to eliminate the invaders that have been causing trouble in your house and save your time, effort, money, and peace of mind.

Serving all of Ventura County

Locally owned and family operated, we are a top-rated pest and bug control company that uses state-of-the-art equipment to help ensure that pests are located and eliminated. But it doesn’t stop there! Pest prevention is one of the most important parts of pest and bug control. 

Our expert technicians work to ensure that all potential pest entry points are sealed and offer routine treatment options to help ensure your home or business stays protected from future infestations. You don’t have to share your home or business with pests any longer! If you live in the Ventura County area, let the team at Insight Pest Management help you say goodbye to pests once and for all!

Contact us today to schedule a FREE evaluation!

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