Keep an Eye Out for Signs of a Rodent Infestation This Fall

Picture of Israel Alvarez
Israel Alvarez

Owner @ Insight Pest Management

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While many think pests like rats and mice disappear during the fall, it’s actually quite the opposite.  Rodent infestations are common throughout the year, they are particularly troublesome as colder weather arrives and food sources diminish. These stark changes to their environment make homes the ideal spot for them to hide out, especially as we all spend more time at home this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in more waste for rodents to feed on.

Rodents are able to transmit more than 35 diseases to humans, posing a serious health threat to you and your family should they find their way indoors. To help keep your family protected this fall, Insight Pest Management and the NPMA have identified the following top six tell-tale signs of a rodent infestation:

  • Droppings: Finding droppings in the home is one of the most common signs of a rodent infestation. Homeowners often find these where food is stored, such as kitchen cabinets or pantries, as well as under sinks, inside chewed cardboard boxes and along baseboards.
  • Gnaw marks: Rodents will chew through almost any type of material to obtain food or water, causing serious damage to a home. Rats are also known to gnaw on wires behind walls, potentially resulting in dangerous house fires.
  • Nests: Rodents prefer to hide in dark, secluded areas of the home and will use any materials available to build their nest. If you see items such as paper products or cotton strewn about, it might be a sign of a rodent infestation.
  • Tracks or rub marks: As rats follow a trail between their nest and food sources throughout a home, they will often leave dark grease or dirt marks along walls and floorboards.
  • Strange noises: Hearing strange noises at night could be attributed to a family of mice scurrying about the house, between the walls and up in attics and crawlspaces.
  • An actual rodent: Mice are known to reproduce quickly, as a female house mouse can give birth to a half dozen babies every three weeks or up to 35 young per year. Chances are, if you see one mouse in the house, there are more hidden behind the walls!

For more information about rodent infestations, visit

Serving all of Ventura County

Locally owned and family operated, we are a top-rated pest and bug control company that uses state-of-the-art equipment to help ensure that pests are located and eliminated. But it doesn’t stop there! Pest prevention is one of the most important parts of pest and bug control. 

Our expert technicians work to ensure that all potential pest entry points are sealed and offer routine treatment options to help ensure your home or business stays protected from future infestations. You don’t have to share your home or business with pests any longer! If you live in the Ventura County area, let the team at Insight Pest Management help you say goodbye to pests once and for all!

Contact us today to schedule a FREE evaluation!

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