Can a Rat Chew Through Concrete?

Can a Rat Chew Through Concrete

You have a home with a concrete foundation, so you don’t have to worry about rats chewing their way in, right? Unfortunately, while you may think that a concrete barrier will keep the rats away, the fact is a determined rat can gnaw its way through under the right circumstance. Let’s take an in-depth look […]

What Can a Rat Infestation Do to Your Health?

What Can a Rat Infestation Do to Your Health

Rats are responsible for thousands of dollars in business and residential structural damage every year. While this is a large problem, the health risks these rodents may cause can be even more detrimental to you and your family or your customers and employees. Whether by contamination or direct contact, a rat infestation can pose a […]

How Much Does Rodent Control Cost?

How Much Does Rodent Control Cost

Are you hearing noises in your walls, finding small rice-like droppings around your home, or finding food boxes with holes chewed through? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a rodent problem. If you suspect rodents have invaded your home, eliminating and controlling a rodent population is your first step. […]

Are Rodent Repellents Effective?

Are Rodent Repellents Effective

Are mice or rats taking over your home? If you are finding yourself in a never-ending battle with rodents, you may be tempted to try many of the available rodent repellents. But are these methods effective? Unfortunately, while some may provide some sort of deterrent, rodent repellents are likely to be less effective than you […]

How Do You Know if Rats Are Gone?

How Do You Know if Rats Are Gone

Rats can be one of the most problematic pests for homeowners. Not only can they spread bacteria and disease and cause damage to your home, but they are also often very difficult to eradicate once infested. Eliminating a rat problem in the home can take time and is often very frustrating to homeowners. If you […]

What Attracts Rats to Your House?

What Attracts Rats to Your House?

No homeowner wants to find a rat scurrying across their floor in the middle of the night or hear the scratching sounds of a rat within the walls. Unfortunately, many homeowners are putting out the welcome mat for mice without even knowing it. These rodents enter homes in search of food, water, and shelter, meaning […]

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Rats?

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Rats

The last thing a homeowner wants to see is a rat scurrying across the floor. These rodents can pose a serious risk to humans, carrying bacteria and diseases. But how do you get rid of rats when they move into your home? While there are multiple effective solutions for eliminating rats in the home, such […]

How Do I Get Rid of Gopher Holes in My Yard

How Do I Get Rid of Gopher Holes in My Yard

Getting rid of gopher mounds in your yard, garden, or flower beds has to begin with eliminating or relocating the gophers to an area far, far away. If you take pride in having a beautiful lawn and landscaped backyard and garden, gophers can be a huge problem. Waking up in the morning or coming home […]

Types of Damage Rodents Can Cause to Your Home

Types of Damage Rodents Can Cause to Your Home

While seeing a mouse or rat scurry across your floor is enough to make your skin crawl, having these pests in your home is much more than just making you feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, these pests are much more than a simple inconvenience and can actually cause serious damage to your home and make you and […]

9 Signs of Rat Infestation You Should Watch Out For

Signs of Rat Infestation You Should Watch Out For

No home or business owner wants to share their space with rats or other rodents. These rodents are nocturnal, meaning they are most likely active when you are sound asleep. By the time you actually see a rat in your home or business, chances are you already have an established infestation. However, rats do leave […]

Will Mice Return to a Disturbed Nest?

Will Mice Return to a Disturbed Nest?

As kids, we were all told to leave bird nests alone because if we touched them, the birds would not return. While this is not always a fact when it comes to birds, what about mice? If you find a mouse nest in your home, is the mouse likely to return? Unlike the stories we […]

Can a House Mouse Climb Walls?

Can a House Mouse Climb Walls?

If you have ever had a mouse in your house, you know that these pests have the ability to get into the smallest of places and access just about anywhere they put their mind to. But can a house mouse climb the walls? While mice are athletic creatures with amazing abilities, whether or not they […]

How to Mouse Proof Your Home

How to Mouse Proof Your Home

If you have seen one mouse in your home, chances are he is not alone, and your home is in danger. Mice are destructive creatures that can chew through wiring, increasing your risk of fire, soil your insulation and spread germs and diseases, chew through walls and furniture, and invade your food storage, leaving droppings […]

Are Roof Rats Dangerous?

Are Roof Rats Dangerous?

No one likes to find that their home or business is infested with any pest, but roof rats can be one of the worst. Thought to be of Southeast Asian origin, these rats and now worldwide and very common in coastal states like California. These pests can cause extensive structural damage to your property, but […]

What a Mouse Hole Really Looks Like?

What Do Mice Holes Look Like

When you think of a mouse hole in the house, you likely picture an evenly cut doorway where Jerry the mouse comes in and out of his home as he hides from Tom the cat. While this popular cartoon gave us the image of a door to a mouse house, the reality is a mouse […]

How Do Mice Sneak In?

Mouse Control Calabasas

Finding mice in your home is an extremely dreadful sight. You begin to wonder, what triggered this? And the worst part kicks in when you scratch your head and still can’t figure out how they entered your house, and now that they have entered, what’s next? How do to get rid of them or prevent […]

What Are the Differences Between Mice and Rats?

What Are the Differences Between Mice and Rats?

A rodent infestation is not something any homeowner wants to have, but is it better to have mice or rats? What are the differences between these two common rodents, and what do these differences mean for you? While both mice and rats pose a significant risk of damage as well as health risks, there are […]

A Guide to Mouse Control

Mouse Control Calabasas

Mice may seem small and harmless, but these quick and resourceful creatures can wreak havoc in your home. They chew on wires, contaminate food, and potentially spread diseases. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent a mouse infestation or eliminate an existing one. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies […]

How to Deal With a House Mouse Infestation

Mouse Control

House mice are considered one of the most troublesome and economically damaging pests in the United States. They live and thrive under a wide variety of conditions, in and around homes and farms. House mice can also consume pretty much any type of food, which makes them highly adaptable to almost any environment. The big reason […]