How Are Delicate Drywood Termite Swarmers Able To Excavate Hard Lumber, And Do They Initiate Infestations Indoors And On Exterior Wood Paneling? Unlike soil-dwelling subterranean…
Several subterranean, drywood and dampwood termites can be found in southern California. Dampwood termites rarely cause substantial damage to structural wood within homes, but drywood…

Multiple subterranean and drywood termite species can be found in southern California, but only a few are known for regularly infesting homes in Ventura County….
Subterranean termites dwell below the ground where the moist soil provides the insects with a never ending source of water. Drywood termites do not need…
How To Regulate Household Moisture For Subterranean Termite Control Several species of subterranean, drywood and dampwood termites inhabit southern California, and while all three of…

Why Are Whole-Structure Fumigations Frequently Used To Treat Drywood Termite Infestations, But Not Subterranean Termite Infestations? Coastal cities in southern California see the worst termite…
Is It Necessary To Kill Termites Found In Tree Stumps, Dead Branches, Logs And Other Areas In A Yard Landscape? Your average California resident may…
Just as their name suggests, subterranean termites dwell below the ground where worker termites tunnel through soil in search of cellulose-rich plant matter and wood…
Heterotermes aureus, or the “desert subterranean termite,” as it is commonly known, is the most destructive and economically damaging termite species in southern California. These…
Several termite species can be found throughout California, but not all are considered pests to structures and wood items. Subterranean termites are the most destructive…
Now That Fall Has Arrived Residents Of Ventura County Must Be Mindful Of Western Drywood Termite Swarms Termites have always been a major economic problem…
In Southern California, the pleasant year-round climate draws new residents every year. Unfortunately, this also attracts a wealth of household pests, including cockroaches. While the…